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Entry Forms are linked within calendar events. If links are not active, click "more details" or copy and paste.
The 2025 World Tournament is July 21 to August 2 and the entry deadline is May 19. WT entry fee is reduced if you enter early, starting Dec, 1.
Tournaments start at 9am, meetings start at 10am. If your calendar is showing the wrong time, try clearing your browser cache.
About Horseshoe Pitching
It is a game that can be played by one or more people. Horseshoe pitching in practice, league and tournament play, is a non-strenuous, healthful activity involving bending, stretching, walking and light lifting.... just what any doctor might prescribe.
The pitching distance is either 27 ft or 37 ft from foul line to stake, depending upon your pitching classification (Adult Men pitch 37 ft. Women, Juniors and Elders pitch 27 ft.).
The horseshoes weigh about 2-1/2 lbs. each and are manufactured specifically for pitching. Pitching styles and methods vary from individual to individual, and beginners will find help learning new or improved methods from the experienced veterans in the league.
Leagues Start in May
The NHPA Sanctioned Club/League Program introduces new and veteran horseshoe pitchers to handicap scoring in league play and provides an exciting, competitive, healthful activity for men, women, young and old and physically challenged. The handicap scoring system is designed to give everyone an equal chance to win. Many horseshoe league award patches from the National Horseshoe Pitching League Association. Join us and earn one.
Contact us today to find out where you can enjoy playing the game of horseshoes!

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